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DirectMed Imaging Acquires Richardson Healthcare

Effective January 24, 2025, DirectMed Imaging, a premier supplier of aftermarket medical imaging parts, systems, and training, today announced the acquisition of Richardson Healthcare’s Fort Mill, SC operation.

DirectMed’s acquisition expands its Canon/Toshiba MRI and CT parts expertise and inventory breadth.  The purchase also allows them to enter the Canon/Toshiba CT training market for engineers and biomedical professionals, as well as become the exclusive global distributor for Richardson Electronics repaired Siemens Straton Z, MX, and MXP CT X-ray tubes. Additionally, DirectMed will now be the exclusive global distributor for the ALTA750 and ALTA750G CT X-ray tubes.

DirectMed’s customers will benefit from Richardson Electronics’ world-class X-ray tube manufacturing infrastructure, engineering talent, and expertise that repairs Siemens X-ray tubes, a highly valued offering in the marketplace.

To learn more about this exciting news, view our press release.

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Why Richardson Healthcare (now DirectMed Imaging)

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